Let's make a Plan
It can be very overwhelming to say: "I will change myself over night"
And that's why we have to break it down and simplify it.
Simply said: DISCIPLINE is now entering your Life
1. Timeframe for your Selftherapy
Which is the perfect time of the day to isolate yourself for 1 hour, to face your problems?
It can only function when you take it serious and make room to face yourself.
2. Locate "Negativity" in your Enviroment
What makes you feel the most low or the most angry or the most small in your life?
Write it down, be honest, you need to see yourself from the birds perspective now.
"The people around me don't really care about me, that's why I fell low"
"I go depressed to work and came home depressed"
"My Partner doesn't see my needs, not trying to understand me"
"People just use me for help"
"I have no perfect body"
3. Write down what you always wanted to be
As a child we are not kidding around when we say we want to become a Firefighter or Nurse...it's what we see ourselves in and yes over the years this can change. But there's this one thing: Painting, Making Music, Building a Business or working in a dream job... which just wait's over so many years, to become your reality. Write it down.
I wish to be...
4. Summarize your Childhood
Time to watch a movie, a movie about your Life - again from the Birds perspective:
Write down in a short summary how your childhood was.
What where the main problems ?
What was good?
How was your relationship to your Mother?
How was your relationship to your Father?
And to your Siblings?
Which things you think have a lot to do with the existing of your Cloud?
5. Summarize Yourself
You know this is maybe the most important part after your Childhood:
Who are you? Why are you like this?
What are your strengths and weaknesses (as a human and in your Character)
Where do you see yourself in this World?
6. Time to write a new page into your book of Life
Now take another blanksheet of paper and make 2 columns.
"What I thought (I went through/ I am)", is the 1st Column.
"What I really (went through / be)", is the 2nd Column.
And now Sherlock holmes it's time to start your new job:
Cause at the point where you are right now, is nobody else to blame... then you.
You didn't took care of yourself and now it's time to change that.
The Goal is to prove or disprove the things you wrote into your 1st Column, by letting Cloudfightermusic help you figure it out on your headphones. Till you come to the last Album, you have to keep on going and going and going with DISCIPLINE.
The Selftherapy Sessions will be the Movie of yourself, to be rewatched by reliving
EVERYTHING. But this time you are watching your old self while beeing save, older and in an other situation.
And at the end of this Journey you will be able to start:
3. Write down what you always wanted to be and become it.