We need the Darkness to become the Light
Cloud above your head?
Then I welcome you into the "Cloudfighter World".
A world were no negativity has enough time to enter the mind and destroy selfesteem. With the power of music it is possible to gain back what was once taken away from the soul.
We blame false friends, broken relationsships and dark childhoods for the black cloud above our head, but maybe we are the ones decided to look negative on ourselfs.
Let's change that.
Feel the power of change in every inch of you, the power of strong music and "mindset-reset" lyrics.

About me
I hate that people are not taking more advantage of the darkness and putting mentalhealth into an old and ugly box. People living with the darkness are the real strong ones, the only type of people who can appreciate mother earth. I want to switch the point of view and show how strong melancholy people can become. Let's make therapy without therapist and the cloud following us around the symbol for this. All we need is honesty when we facing the mirror to understand what the cloud is wanting to tell us.
So my cloud and I write songs about it. Wanna hear?
Let's start the Therapy:Â
Are you ready to help yourself and ready to reset your mind?
Then let's go Cloud
All you need is:
1. Headphones:
Isolate yourself from daily things and life in general before you start
2. Something to drink:
Tea, Water, Coffee whatevever you like, but no alcohol - stay concentrated
3. Something to write your own reflections on:
Retro is the best, take blanksheets of papper and a pen
4. A room where you can be alone
So you can be save while meeting your own Cloud
5. Your Shoes and your Jacket:
Make sure to take a break, between the albums. Go out into nature and let your brain process the new info.
6. Subscribe to the mailinglist
to be able to connect to me directly, when you want to talk in a 1:1
You didn't went directly to high school right?
Make sure you take your therapy sessions in the correct order and listen to the songs in the correct order.
Go only to the next album, when you feel ready to move to the next level.
Remember: You are not alone, you can always contact me to ask, to talk, to feel not lonley.
1. The Soul Rescue:
Stop your heart's bleeding
"Soul Train" is your first step to fight the dark mindset. First we have to make sure you feel warmer inside. Let it open your mind for the next steps. You don't have to like Soul Music, let the vibe and the lyrics warm up your Soul.
Imagine your heart get's a wound plaster and I step into your darkness to show you that little light inside of you.
2. The will to survive:
Find the power to start
For this we have to fly above the clouds to feel the happieness we could have, when we keep on going. In this therapy session you will learn to have acceptance for yourself. You will feel understood by the sadness you had all the years. And maybe for the first time in your life, you will smile a little looking into your own mirror-image.
3. The Darkness:
Your first 1:1 with your Cloud
Let's turn your thinking into the right direction now. You don't have to fit it, you don't have to feel bad because of your past. You can feel compfy in your Darkness. Meet your Opponent and make him powerless with loving him. Hug your Pain and experience that life can be beautiful in black n' white.
Start beeing proud of yourself.

4. Let's start talking:
Take my energy & make it yours
As you now have the basics as Cloudfighter, we can start to dig deeper into your pain and dance away what we found there. We will find your Pandora's Box today and I know that this will be hurtfull, so please check if you follow the instructions above, to make sure you open it in the right situation.
5. The Battlefield:
You vs. Reality
Honesty is what we learned till now, acceptance is what we learned till now. But what if not only your mind is responsible for your feelings?
Your ex, your school, your friends, your parents and society....can be a big part of the power your cloud has about you. Let's face this: Time to battle in the next round
6. Meet me in my Alphatower:
The Ultimate Battle
Come an take a seat in my Alphatower, a place where only real Cloudfighters are allowed to step in. A place where we sit infornt of the fireplace and watch everything end up in a Towermoment (like in Tarot) while we are calm and strong at the same time. The world can fall apart, but not you. Thats why you have to face yourself now.
All of my Music
Below you can find all my little Cloudfighter's.
Every song is made to cure the shadows around the soul.
Nomatter if you dig more into softer or harder tunes.
I prepared many kinds of music, to be able to catch many different topics.
If you're a beginner in Cloudfighting you should start with the therapy above first,
to get all the info you need.
Join the "Pi.A Tribe"
by subscribing into my mailing list
Fellow Cloudfighter,
you don't have to hide in the small corner right there.Â
Come with me. Take my hand and I promise to never let you down.