About me

I hate that people don't see the darkness as an energy resource and put mental health into an old and ugly box. People who live with the darkness are the real heroes, the only kind of people who can appreciate mother earth.
I want to change the perspective and show how strong, melancholic people can be. Therapy without a therapist.
The black cloud that follows us is the symbol for the voice within us. The voice that wants to reach to us, wrapped in negative thoughts, to tell what we should change.
If life no longer seems to have any meaning, this means that the meaning must be recognized and implemented. Most of the time we know exactly what we have to do, but don't find the powers to do. We hide our thoughts to fit with the rest of society.
All we need is honesty when we turn to the mirror to understand what the cloud is trying to tell us.
My cloud and I write songs about it. To convert negativity into energy and strength.

My Story:
"We need the Darkness
to become the light"
I am different, dark and still full of light. Born and based in Berlin, Germany and have a clear vision: people with difficult fates should be seen and heard, because they are the real heroes of our society. Grewing up in the Märkische Viertel, I experienced the burdens of life on my own skin at a very young age. I found hope for a better tomorrow in the black cloud that accompanies
my whole life.
I was 6 years old when I wrote my first lyrics. At the time, I didn't even know it was a lyric. It had just floated me in hope and happiness that rarely comes in my life. I never had a nice life, fighting was my everyday life. At the age of 11 I was diagnosed with depression, shortly afterwards I tried to finally end my suffering, but inside there was this anchor that stopped me and gave me a second chance. These fights became my passion. Not only is my way of thinking atypical for society, my music reflects the hope and strength that we can drew from the darkness. Today I am proud to say that I can convert negativity into hope and strength.
A therapist is not always necessary. As the first Cloudfighter and Founder of Cloudfightermusic I wrote and produced 7 albums, which in the right order serve as self-therapy journey.
My lyrics reflect my disdain for the system. When people don't fit in with the crowd, they are cast out. In particular, people with mental health problems are pitied. Although these people show an incredibly great will to live, they survive and become stronger.
There is a cloudfighter in all of us. And I want to convey this fighting spirit with my self-therapy albums.
Whoever fights can only win.