Is a methode to overcome the society given limits in the mind and it's negative effects on lifequality. Cloudfighting allows the switch of the thinking algorithmen,
to create a better life.
Simply said: A mindset-reset
"I'm to fat to wear a red dress, thats only for skinny girls. I'm to old, to fat, to ugly!"
Regular Thinking:
The media teached the eyes and mind, who to be. If you're skinny you can wear everything, become everything and will be always successful, never lonley: "I will never wear that red dress, I can't be like this girls, they are worth success and I am a failure.
I am alone, nobody wants me."
Cloudfighter Mindset:
"I am more successful then that girl. I survived life till now. I am here, I am good and I am beautiful. That's why I will wear this red dress now, put some sunglasses on and make my shopping mall the longest catwalk of town. I don't need other's clapping for me.
I just need me. And if I wanna wear this dress, I will nomatter what."
The difference is the way of seeing things from the birds perspektive and double check on the thoughts. To sell products of any kind, the media machine creates a fake reality, which a Cloudfighter cuts into 2 pieces.
Piece 1 - The topic and it's goal.
Back to the example: To sell a dream of success, skinny girls get modified into the symbole of success. That's how big companies make many of other companies run
in the arms of money:
- all beauty product related companies
- cosmetic surgery
- music and entertainment industries
Once understood the real reason of that brainwashing, the brain starts to delete wrong believes and restores the natural selfesteem back to it's neutral level.
Piece 2 - The own believes and Mindset-reset (Case 1)
The Cloudfighter would now go into a 1:1 with it's shadow self and true self. The shadow self is the cloud of doubt still telling, that the red dress is not wearable. The true self will wear the dress and confront with the real view in the mirror to proof that it looks not this bad like the cloud said.
Piece 2 - The own believes and Mindset-reset (Case 2)
The Cloudfighter would now go into a 1:1 with it's shadow self and true self. BUT this time the Cloud would remind of a hidden wound (" I know you always wanted to be thinner, but you never managed to make sports. It's not the dress not fitting, it's you not continuing what you really wanted". The true self would take the dress now as motivation to heal that wound inside, to continue then in Case 1 or 2.
As you can see, only the mind knows if it's the dress or if it's about the hidden wounds needs to be healed.
This example can be adapted to everything, but can only be understood by people suffered in life. Why? Because they suffered in the black boxes of society, that makes them having unbelivable superpowers inside, which are already waiting to be awaken and used for good and for change.
A Cloudfighter get's its Power of the Pain he went through and converts it into energy.